"Woke Parenting Zine #2: Civics, Jobs, & Money"
"Sex Is A Funny Word" (Hardcover)
"Abolish the Family: A Manifesto for Care and Liberation"
'Let's Talk About It: The Teen's Guide to Sex, Relationships, and Being a Human" by Erika Moen
"You Know, Sex: Bodies, Gender, Puberty, and Other Things"
"What Makes a Baby"
"The Ultimate Guide to Sex Through Pregnancy and Motherhood"
'The ABC's of LGBT+: (Gender Identity Book for Teens, Teen & Young Adult LGBT Issues)'
"Celebrate Your Body"
"Wait, What?"
"Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls 2"
"Girls Resist"
"Get Your Mojo Back"
"We Need to Talk About Vaginas: An Important Book About Vulvas, Periods, Puberty, and Sex!"
"Celebrate Your Body 2: The Ultimate Puberty Book for Preteen and Teen Girls"
"Motherhood" by Sheila Heti
"Gender Identity: Beyond Pronouns and Bathrooms"
"The Transgender Child"
"Supporting Transgender Autistic Youth"
"Motherhood and Feminism"
Sex and Sensibility
"Selfish, Shallow, and Self-Absorbed: Sixteen Writers on the Decision Not to Have Kids"